Source code for flask.ext.simple.manager

"""Main Flask integration."""

from os import environ

from boto.sdb import connect_to_region
from boto.sdb.domain import Domain
from flask import (
    _app_ctx_stack as stack,

from .errors import ConfigurationError

[docs]class Simple(object): """SimpleDB wrapper for Flask.""" DEFAULT_REGION = 'us-east-1' def __init__(self, app=None): """ Initialize this extension. :param obj app: The Flask application (optional). """ = app if app is not None: self.init_app(app)
[docs] def init_app(self, app): """ Initialize this extension. :param obj app: The Flask application. """ self.init_settings() self.check_settings()
[docs] def init_settings(self): """Initialize all of the extension settings."""'SIMPLE_DOMAINS', [])'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', environ.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'))'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', environ.get('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'))'AWS_REGION', environ.get('AWS_REGION', self.DEFAULT_REGION))
[docs] def check_settings(self): """ Check all user-specified settings to ensure they're correct. We'll raise an error if something isn't configured properly. :raises: ConfigurationError """ if not['SIMPLE_DOMAINS']: raise ConfigurationError('You must specify at least one SimpleDB domain to use.') if not (['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] and['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']): raise ConfigurationError('You must specify your AWS credentials.')
[docs] def connection(self): """ Our SimpleDB connection. This will be lazily created if this is the first time this is being accessed. This connection is reused for performance. """ ctx = if ctx is not None: if not hasattr(ctx, 'simple_connection'): ctx.simple_connection = connect_to_region(['AWS_REGION'], aws_access_key_id =['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], aws_secret_access_key =['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'], ) return ctx.simple_connection
[docs] def domains(self): """ Our SimpleDB domains. These will be lazily initializes if this is the first time the tables are being accessed. """ ctx = if ctx is not None: if not hasattr(ctx, 'simple_domains'): ctx.simple_domains = {} for domain in['SIMPLE_DOMAINS']: ctx.simple_domains[domain] = Domain( connection = self.connection, name = domain, ) if not hasattr(ctx, 'simple_domain_%s' % domain): setattr(ctx, 'simple_domain_%s' % domain, ctx.simple_domains[domain]) return ctx.simple_domains
def __getattr__(self, name): """ Override the get attribute built-in method. This will allow us to provide a simple domain API. Let's say a user defines two domains: `users` and `groups`. In this case, our customization here will allow the user to access these domains by calling `simple.users` and `simple.groups`, respectively. :param str name: The SimpleDB domain name. :rtype: object :returns: A Domain object if the table was found. :raises: AttributeError on error. """ if name in return[name] raise AttributeError('No domain named %s found.' % name)
[docs] def create_all(self): """ Create all user-specified SimpleDB domains. We'll error out if the domains can't be created for some reason. """ for name in['SIMPLE_DOMAINS']: self.connection.create_domain(name)
[docs] def destroy_all(self): """ Destroy all user-specified SimpleDB domains. We'll error out if the domains can't be destroyed for some reason. """ for name in['SIMPLE_DOMAINS']: self.connection.delete_domain(name)

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